Data Migration, Backup & Disaster Recovery For A National Logistics Provider

About the client

PT Multi Terminal Indonesia (MTI) also known as IPC Logistic, is a subsidiary of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (IPC), which was established on February 15, 2002 with 99% of shares owned by IPC. MTI has focused on the logistics business and currently has 3 business units, Terminal Multipurpose, Terminal Petikemas, and Logistics. Currently, MTI operates several branch offices and operations that are scattered in almost all regions of Indonesia so that it requires a reliable IT Infrastructure to support business management in MTI. Data Recovery (DR) is the main concern of MTI to continually run its business processes well and to support the Data Center that is currently owned in its on-premise. The services provided by MTI include, Freight Forwarding (Domestic & International), Customs Clearance, Cargo Transportations, Warehousing & Distribution, Unloading Services at Pasoso Railway Station, and Halal Logistic & Cold Storage. MTI has a vision of “Being a trusted national logistics company”, it is very important to keep the trust that has been given by MTI customers. MTI periodically improves the quality of human resources as the main driver in running the company’s organization. This company has established its resources management policies within the framework of supporting Human Resources management strategies.
Manufacturing & Logistics


Even though MTI has already owned Data Center on-premise, it does not mean that the transaction processes in business will always run smoothly and safely. Maintenance and monitoring of infrastructure in the Data Center has always been a concern. Competent resources in this matter are usually forgotten by the company. The DR is needed to become a second Data Center that will be used if something happens with the main Data Center. Every process transaction can still be carried out by swing- over the network flow to DR during the recovery process at the main Data Center. In addition, if there must be a re-check that occurs in the Database a Backup Storage will be available, in this case using S3 Bucket, for the transactions that have been running on the previous day.

As MTI was growing its business, MTI recognized that it had grown to the point where it needed a trusted cloud consulting partner to help deploy new IT infrastructure. To help solve this problem, it turned to Cloud Kinetics an Advanced Consulting Partner in the AWS Partner Network (APN).


Cloud Kinetics managed platform consists of 24-hour enterprise monitoring services backed by a team of certified and experience cloud support engineers, allowing it to perform full managed services with committed SLA for its customers. Cloud Kinetics Managed Services provides expert post-go live support for the entire IT ecosystem. Its flexible model gives its customers the freedom to choose the level of support they need, whether it might be just a few business hours, or round-the-clock managed services.

“Clients want to focus on delivering value to their customers, without being bogged down with non-core functions. As the pace of innovation — and customer demand — for innovative products accelerates, they can look forward to leveraging the combined technical expertise of AWS and Cloud Kinetics to shorten time to market,” says Mr Li Wen Chi , CEO at Cloud Kinetics.

Building on the success of its hybrid cloud and data storage offerings throughout past years, Cloud Kinetics now works with clients both big and small, across a wide range of industry sectors. It has many different teams within the business that specialize in varied technology areas. It can tailor solutions to specifically meet its customer’s requirements and service-level agreements. Cloud Kinetics houses a 24-hour enterprise monitoring service for its customers, allowing it to provide full proactive and reactive support and managed services engagements.

Security and Access Management

Data security is a primary concern for organizations who handle sensitive data and operate across multiple jurisdictions with differing data regulations. To ensure data security, Cloud Kinetics provides a number of services including data encryption, anti-virus protection, as well as intrusion detection and prevention systems. These can be tailored to the requirements of its clients and any data regulations it needs to comply with. With its managed services, Cloud Kinetics maintains the security posture of its clients, and can quickly recognize and respond to data breaches or intrusions.

Storage Backup Management

With a 99 percent backup success rate, Cloud Kinetics also helps to manage the storage and backups of its clients’ data. By helping its customers take their data storage to the cloud, Cloud Kinetics removes the need to invest upfront in storage backups solutions across the different locations its customers may operate in. Cloud Kinetics Managed Services helps its customers to consolidate and monitor all its backup operations from a single view, optimizing control and reducing the need for troubleshooting. Furthermore, using built-in cloud connectors, backups for on-premise data can be made on the cloud without disruption to its customers’ daily operations.

Performance and Diagnostic Services

Cloud Kinetics conducts period architecture reviews and proactive monitoring of its customers’ infrastructure to ensure that its operations are robust and secure. By leveraging the right tools, Cloud Kinetics Managed Services systematically monitors the health of its customer’s IT infrastructure resources. This ensures that its customers’ IT resources are up-and-running, without the need for manual intervention.

Success Metrics

  • High data availability at 99%
  • Data can be restored within 15 minutes if there are any IT failures
  • Cost savings of 25%
Tags: AWS Managed Services Manufacturing & Logistics Public Sector